Venue Navy League Rooms
Meeting commenced at 8.20pm Tuesday 20/06/89
Members Present: G.A.Soich P.J.Glynn
R.V.Bowers E.O.Faithfull
J.E.Hopkins D.L.Douglas
T.McKinnon R.W.Boston
C.R.Hopkins D.Maunder
P.Urbahn C.Hooper
Guests: J.Love R.Love
K.Love P.Hydes
Apologies: C.Vesey, W.Smallbone
A proposal to form a local branch of the New Zealand Antique Arms Association was put forward by Pat Glynn and seconded by Ross Bowers. Carried unanimously
Election of Officers:•
Chairman: Ross Bowers
nominated Grant Soich
seconded Ted Faithful
elected unopposed
Secretary/Treasurer: Grant Soich
nominated Pat Glynn
seconded Tony McKinnon
elected unopposed
Tony McKinnon
nominated Grant Soich
seconded Pat Glynn
Pat Glynn
nominated Ross Bowers
seconded Rex Boston
Paul Urbahn
nominated Pat Glynn
seconded John Hopkins
Rex Boston
nominated Pat Glynn
seconded Doug Maunder
Colin Hopkins
nominated Paul Urbahn
seconded Tony McKinnon
All elected unopposed
Business: Name of Branch – Branch to be called “Northland Branch”
proposed Paul Urbahn
seconded Rex Boston
carried unanimously
Meetings: General discussion was held on the frequency and venue.
That meetings to be held on the 1st Wednesday of every second month at 8pm.
proposed Pat Glynn
seconded Ross Bowers
carried unanimously
Venue will be the Navy Rooms subject to confirmation of agreeable terms. Ross Bowers to check with Navy League as regards terms for use of their rooms.
Subscriptions: General discussion held and a proposal was made for subscriptions to be set at $10.00.
proposed Paul Urbahn
seconded Ross Bowers
Carried unanimously
Newsletter: A newsletter to be sent out to all North Auckland members of the N.Z.A.A.A advising them of the next meeting.
A general discussion was then held and the meeting closed at 9.40pm.