The family of the late LC G Perham has made a bequest to the New Zealand Antique Arms Association to establish a Service Award in his memory!
Les Perham was a founder member of the Association and served it in numerous capacities until his tragic death in 1987. He was President twice, a keen shooter for many years, a collector of knowledge and note, but is best remembered as the Association’s auctioneer. Always willing to Encourage, assist and advise others his enthusiasm for the Association and the pursuance of its objectives remained undiminished.
The award is a medallion of 50mm diameter, made of sterling silver. The obverse is stamped with the Association coat of arms in some relief and the reverse is inscribed ‘FOR LOYAL SERVICE’. The medallion will be worn on a neck ribbon in Association colours and will be engraved with the recipient’s name and the date of the award. It will be presented to members who have served their Branch or the Association with distinction and takes ·precedence after Life Membership but before Honorary Membership.
Nominations for the award must be made in writing by Association members, or a member and must be submitted through a Branch or the Management Committee to the National Secretary at least six months before the Annual General Meeting. There is no set format for submission, but there must be included sufficient data to make a valued judgement. Nominations must be recommended by a Branch, or the Management Committee-officers of the Association whose decision is final. A nominee’s consent to the award is un-necessary however he or she will be informed of the award before presentation, a nominee may decline the award without prejudice. There is no limit to the number of awards that may be made but unsuccessful nominations will not be considered later unless re-presented through the appropriate channels.
The Perham’ bequest will be invested in a dedicated account. The interest will be used to purchase the medallions and assist with the travel costs of the recipients. Interest not used for the foregoing will be added to the investment with any donations made by individuals or groups. The medallion will be presented to the recipient by the sponsoring Branch and become the property of the recipients on presentation but the dies are the property of the Association and are held by the National Secretary who will arrange the production and engraving of the medallions. A list of the award winners will be kept by the National secretary. Un-engraved reproductions of the medallion, in bronze may be purchased by Association members from the National Secretary.

Information for this list has been gleaned from early membership books, Gazettes and other sources.
Collectively Branches have reviewed this record however there will still be corrections needed. You ongoing help is needed to ensure the most accurate record is maintained. Please forward any new information and or corrections to
The latest list of recipients can be viewed at the following link.
Latest Recipient Dave Theyers from Canterbury received his award at the September AGM in 2020 from Lance Perham (left), son of the late Les Perham.
His award is for long and outstanding service as editor of the branch Plainsman magazine and secretary at branch meetings. David has always had a can-do attitude, supports the wellbeing of members and goes beyond the call of duty.